STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics

Third through Fifth Grade

We are so excited that our school district is supporting amazing opportunities for our students in grades 3-5 to participate in three 5-week Exploratory Wheel Rotations. Students get to experience drama, voice, dance, computer coding, Lego Robotics, drawing, chess, music exploration and tinkering. These enrichment opportunities are provided as a result of generous donations to BUSD.

Fourth and Fifth Graders

Our students in grades fourth and fifth have a weekly STEAM class, throughout the entire school year.

Transitional Kindergarten through Second Grade

The Mary Farmar Parent and Teacher Group (PTG) funds weekly classes from Brickspace for students in Transitional Kindergarten through second grade. Students get to engage in hands-on STEAM related experiences that help them to learn about new concepts and foster exploration, curiosity, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking!